
November 17, 2014 By 0 Comments

When I was in the sixth grade I got around learning proper grammar because my English teacher thought my poetry was much more important. I actually wish he didn’t now but… I was on a three-year cycle…every three I’d change up mediums.  Short stories, poetry, band,  photography, singing, acting, writing plays, writing nothing, photography (again), writing again!

I still find poetry extraordinarily challenging. There’s so much craft involved. Back in undergrad I wrote a line…”And the days slap each other as they turn over.” Every few years I revisit this line and see if I can write the rest of the poem that goes with it. This is my 5th attempt. I haven’t tried since…2006 I think.


The days slap each other as they turn over

The fall and its dried leaves are sandwiched then,

swallowed whole. Above every memory

A day repeats and reminds you that this

Is where you stood, at the same time last year.

Underneath laugh tracks are looping,

Old scores straddle and, disorient you. 

The ha-ha-ha breathes wet air onto your soles.

Two separate songs playing in one set of earphones 

What’s today’s date?   The alarm didn’t go off.

Was I suppose to wake you up?

This is me. Christine Jean.
Photographer/Writer/ Swiss Army Knife
